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versión impresa ISSN 1794-2470


NINO-CASTILLO, Clara Milena; RODRIGUEZ-RIVERA, Francis Carolina; DIAZ, Luis Eduardo  y  LANCHEROS-DIAZ, Ana Graciela. Evaluation of Cell Growth Conditions for the Astaxanthin Production as of Haematococcus pluvialis Microalgae. Nova [online]. 2017, vol.15, n.28, pp.19-31. ISSN 1794-2470.

Currently astaxanthin of natural origin is one of the carotenoids with important applications in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics, due to their large properties within its powerful antioxidant, cancer preventive effect, increase the immune response, inhibiting free radicals among many others. Haematococcus pluvialis is a freshwater green microalgae and is one of the largest natural sources of astaxanthin production as it is able to accumulate up to 3% astaxanthin by dry weight. The aim of this study was to determine the culture medium and the optimal conditions for growth and production of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis. The influence of different factors such as pH, temperature, agitation, aeration and lighting, CO2, promote cell growth, by giving an optimal environment to microalgae.

To determine the optimal nutritional conditions for cell growth the effect of different culture media (BBM, OHM, RM) in bioreactors of 500 ml with 350mL of medium and 1x104 cells/ml inoculum was evaluated in exponential phase, the culture conditions employed they were: pH. 6.7 to 7, 5% CO2, 16 hours photoperiod Light 8 dark, irradiance 70 μE / m2s; The results showed that the highest growth and cell reproduction was obtained in the middle RM with 7.5 x 105 cells /ml on day 36, and increased production of astaxanthin was obtained in the middle RM with a concentration of 8.3 ug / ml in the treatment 4.

Palabras clave : Haematococcus pluvialis; astaxanthin; cell growth; culture media.

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