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Revista ION

versión impresa ISSN 0120-100X


CUESTA-PARRA, Diana Marcela  y  CORREA-MAHECHA, Felipe. Extration phenols from green coffee grains. Rev. ion [online]. 2018, vol.31, n.1, pp.31-35. ISSN 0120-100X.

The waste generated in the production of coffee, sources that may be useful in the chemical industry or food as antioxidants. In the case of green coffee beans that are removed from the plants during harvesting, it is equivalent to 3% of the national production, because they are fruits that do not finish ripening when separated from the plant, that is, non-climacteric fruits, since they do not reach the maximum value of respiratory intensity [1]. In this article we present the results of obtaining the extraction methods, assisted by ultrasound and mechanical agitation, the solver used was the elimination by selection of the recovery characteristics, the time used in the distillation and the reuse potential. previous evaluation of four solvents for extraction. The analysis technique for the determination of total phenols was Folin and Ciocalteu. The evaluation of the extraction techniques combined and individually that the ultrasound technique at 60 kHz, for 30 minutes you can obtain a concentration of equivalent phenols of 129.2 mg GAE / g of dry base material, from an extract of green coffee beans of the Coffea arabica species.

Palabras clave : antioxidants; coffea arabica l; extraction; organic residues.

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