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versión impresa ISSN 0012-7353versión On-line ISSN 2346-2183


TOVAR-SOTO, Jhonatan Paolo; PAREJA-FIGUEREDO, Carlos Francisco; GARCIA-NAVARRETE, Oscar Leonardo  y  GUTIERREZ-MARTINEZ, Luis Carlos. Performance evaluation of LoRa technology for implementation in rural areas. Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas [online]. 2021, vol.88, n.216, pp.69-78.  Epub 24-Mayo-2021. ISSN 0012-7353.

This article presents the results obtained in the evaluation of the LoRa technology as an alternative communication protocol in rural areas, by making measurements in situ in a rural area between the municipalities of Sibaté and Granada in Cundinamarca, Colombia. Using a document search, the TTGO esp32 board was selected as device for testing. Additionally, a temperature sensor and a variable resistance were included to obtain measurements from a transmitter node, whose data was sent to a receiver node using the LoRa protocol with a distance of 500 meters between them and an approximate elevation gradient of 4° difference between the points. Finally, the information collected in the tests was subjected to a descriptive statistical analysis that allowed establishing the most reliable parameters of the protocol and identifying the appropriate spreading factor and bandwidth.

Palabras clave : LoRa technology; rural testing; wireless communication.

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