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Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7434


SALDARRIAGA-GIL, Wilmar; AYALA-ZAPATA, Sebastián; RAMIREZ-CHEYNE, Julián Andrés  y  ISAZA, Carolina. Pentalogy of Cantrell and amniotic bands: A case report and review of the literature. Rev Colomb Obstet Ginecol [online]. 2014, vol.65, n.3, pp.243-249. ISSN 0034-7434.

Objective: To report a Pentalogy of Cantrell case associated with acrania, medial facial cleft and reduction of the right limbs as a result of amniotic bands; and to conduct a review of the literature on the pathogenesis of amniotic bands and the findings of the reported case. Materials and methods: Case report of a demised neonate with the above mentionated congenital malformations born to a 15 year-old primigravida in her 34 weeks of gestation who came to Hospital Universitario del Valle (HUV), a level III and IV referral hospital for obstetrics belonging to the public network in south-western Colombia. The clinical record, photographs of the neonate and X-Ray images were used as the sources of information. A search in the literature was conducted using the terms "Pentalogy of Cantrell and amniotic band syndrome", "Limb body wall complex and amniotic band syndrome" through PubMed in the Medline databases in English and Spanish, with no time limitation; the search included case reports, topic reviews and case series. Results: Overall, 30 articles were found and all the references were analysed; 14 were case reports, 8 were topic reviews and 8 were case series. Conclusions: Report of a Pentalogy of Cantrell case, probably resulting from amniotic bands arising during embryo development. It was classified as a limb body wall complex (LBWC), secondary to amniotic bands.

Palabras clave : Pentalogy of Cantrell; amniotic band syndrome; limb body complex.

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