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Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría

versión impresa ISSN 0034-7450


JORDAN MONDRAGON, Valeria  y  OVIEDO LUGO, Gabriel Fernando. Neurotoxicity Secondary to the Use of Lithium. rev.colomb.psiquiatr. [online]. 2008, vol.37, n.3, pp.418-427. ISSN 0034-7450.

Introduction: Lithium has been a medication used in psychiatry for more than 50 years and its efficacy has been established in the treatment of mood disorders. The use of lithium is limited due to its narrow therapeutic range and toxicity. Its persistent neurological secondary effects caught clinical attention in the 80s and were described by Adityanjee under the acronym SILENT (Syndrome of Lithium-effectuated Neurotoxicity). Objective: To discuss the clinical aspects of lithium toxicity and to increase physicians' awareness of this subject. Method: Narrative review based on the available literature. Results and Conclusion: More than 90% of individuals treated with lithium experience some side effect. Neurological sequelae include persistent cerebellar dysfunction, oculomotor abnormalities and peripheral neuropathy. It is important for physicians to recognize these symptoms and it becomes necessary to develop strategies like the use of stricter criteria for starting lithium to prevent acute intoxication, and the rigorous monitoring of serum levels during treatment.

Palabras clave : Lithium; adverse effects; neuro-toxicity syndromes.

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