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Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología

versión impresa ISSN 0120-0534


BARRETO, Idaly et al. Legitimizing and de-legitimizing beliefs disseminated by the Spanish press about political assassination. rev.latinoam.psicol. [online]. 2010, vol.42, n.3, pp.437-452. ISSN 0120-0534.

This study seeks to identify legitimizing and de-legitimizing beliefs disseminated by the spanish press in order to minimize or maximize the emotional impact generated by political assasination. This is achieved by means of strategic efforts aimed at strengthening group identification with the perpetrator or the victim, according to interests and political affinities. This one-dimensional and multidimensional descriptive study was conducted with 375 news pieces presented by three regional Spanish press (País Vasco). Results suggest that the Egin newspaper draws mainly from the use of de-legitimizing beliefs that depersonalize the victim, while the Deia newspaper and El Correo Español / El Pueblo Vasco newspaper discrediting of the perpetrator of the action and personalization of the victim.

Palabras clave : legitimizing beliefs; delegitimizing beliefs; the press; political assassination.

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