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Revista ION

versión impresa ISSN 0120-100Xversión On-line ISSN 2145-8480


AMAYA-CANO, Juan Sebastian  y  SALCEDO-GALAN, Felipe. Microencapsulation of oils with high content of fatty acids using the spray-drying method. Rev. ion [online]. 2020, vol.33, n.1, pp.7-16.  Epub 26-Jun-2020. ISSN 0120-100X.

Currently, development of new food products that incorporate active ingredients has become a crucial factor for food industries to successfully compete in the market, providing solutions to existing and future needs of their customers. Microencapsulation is presented as a novel alternative to generate products with added value, since it allows avoiding degradation of active compounds, as well as unpleasant changes in taste, especially in case of essential oils. Microencapsulation of olive oil and almond oil was studied from an emulsion formulation to produce microcapsules that were subsequently obtained by spray drying method in a Minispray Dryer B-290. Morphology, percentage of encapsulated oil and release rates within the human body were analyzed. The results obtained made it possible to determine that it is possible to encapsulate essential oils by the spray-drying method. This allows to prevent degradation of fatty acids in oil storage and gastric digestion, as well as to deliver them straight to small intestine. Furthermore, an oil with a higher percentage of fatty acids increases agglomeration tendency of microcapsules. Lastly, it was found that microcapsules with maltodextrin as wall material can retain a greater amount of almond oil than olive oil.

Palabras clave : Microencapsulation; Spray Drying; Olive Oil; Almond Oil; Release Rates; Maltodextrin..

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