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vol.72 número2El etnoconocimiento de los agricultores familiares asociado al control de Plutella xylostella L. 1758 (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) en la producción de colEvaluación físico-química del banano maqueño (Mussa acuminata) en dos zonas de cultivo en Ecuador. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Agronómica

versión impresa ISSN 0120-2812


VERA INFANTE, Thalía et al. Absorbent materials prepared from wastes derived from banana, rice, and cocoa agro-industries, intended for the capture of hydrocarbons. Acta Agron. [online]. 2023, vol.72, n.2, pp.117-124.  Epub 06-Mayo-2024. ISSN 0120-2812.

In this study, adsorbent materials prepared from common wastes generated in agricultural industries were evaluated, particularly the adsorption capacity for hydrocarbon compounds. Wastes from banana, cocoa, and rice were collected, and subsequently dried, milled, and chemically treated with NaOH. The physical properties of the treated wastes were assessed, including buoyancy and apparent density, and their adsorption capacity was tested under dynamic and static conditions. The results were subjected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA). The dynamic adsorption tests carried out indicated that the treated waste from banana leaves with a particle size of 1400 µm exhibited a buoyancy percentage above 90 % in the hydrophilic phase, while hydrocarbon compounds were adsorbed in the oleophilic phase. However, traces of hydrocarbons were still visible in the aqueous medium. In the short-term static adsorption tests, the waste materials showed adsorption capacity values ranging from 2.17 to 8.22 g oil/g adsorbent for motor oil; the highest adsorption index was determined in wastes from banana rachis with an 850 µm particle size. Moreover, in the adsorption of diesel and gasoline, the wastes from banana rachis with an 850 µm particle size showed the highest adsorption capacity for diesel (6.61 g diesel/g adsorbent) and gasoline (6.26 g gasoline/g adsorbent). This behavior was also observed in the long-term tests for all wastes tested, except for banana rachis, as some of the adsorbent material subsided, leading to the adsorption of both water and hydrocarbon compounds.

Palabras clave : Agricultural wastes; dynamic and static conditions; buoyancy; adsorption tests; aqueous medium.

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