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vol.49 número1Replicación gramatical: índices verbales de primera persona no-singular en toba oriental, toba occidental (guaycurú) y tapiete (tupi-guaraní)La variación de pronombres sujetos de primera persona singular y tercera persona: El caso del español mexicano en Georgia índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0120-3479versión On-line ISSN 2539-3804


SIVIRA CAMACARO, Rosmir. Discursive interactional strategies in the written versions of journalistic interviews. Leng. [online]. 2021, vol.49, n.1, pp.76-103.  Epub 20-Ene-2021. ISSN 0120-3479.

The present study analyzes the discursive interactional strategies applied by the enunciators of the journalistic interview in written press. Methodologically framed in the interpretive paradigm, the study focuses on the audios of five recorded interviews provided by the newspaper El Impulso (Venezuela) in 2014. These recordings are analyzed from the study and understanding of linguistic facts, based on the approaches of conversational structure and turn-taking, as well as the materiality of the staging of the informational discourse. The results show that the roles of the social contract were respected in a complex network of semantic interactions with a flexible structure, without the journalist playing a role of power and avoiding polemics. Beyond rigid schemes, the expression of quality content was imposed, co-built from strategies of mutual understanding.

Palabras clave : interview; strategy; interaction; turn-taking; stage devices.

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