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Boletín de Ciencias de la Tierra

versión impresa ISSN 0120-3630


COLEGIAL-GUTIERREZ, Juan Diego; FORERO-QUINTERO, María Camila; FUENTES-RUEDA, María Alejandra  y  GOMEZ-ISIDRO, Sully. Characterization of weathering profiles of the crystal rocks of eastern Bucaramanga and definition of hydrogeological properties. Bol. cienc. tierra [online]. 2017, n.41, pp.15-29. ISSN 0120-3630.

In the process of improving the knowledge of the hydrogeological potential of weathered zones in crystalline rocks and compounds that can behave as aquifers, this article is performed whose area of study is located east of the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Santander Massif consists of two main lithological units; the Neis of Bucaramanga and Santander Group plutonic (diorite, granodiorite-tonalite gray quartz monzonite and monzogranite). These rocks have undergone brittle deformation, physico-chemical weathering mainly influenced by the tropical atmosphere of the area also are jointed and fractured creating conditions that facilitate the flow of water and in turn be optimized weathering processes in the region. He appealed to the identification and location of field weathering profiles made a detailed study of outcrops, presenting a thickness of 90.4 m for the profile of the Gneisic rock weathering and 68.5 m for the profile of granodiorite rock, made up 6 steps weathering of which samples each were taken and carry out macroscopic analysis, petrographic and geochemical using thin films, determining the percentage of porosity, humidity, dry unit weight, X-ray fluorescence, electron microscopy Sweeping and Grading; base characterizing weathering profiles and properties, highlighting the potential hydrogeological found in the Range II: Slightly weathered rock and interval V: Completely weathered rock profile of granodiorite rock and Rock Gneisic profile, the interval III : Moderately weathered rock and the range V: Completely weathered rock, since these stages of weathering, moisture peaks present, regular micro fractures and high porosities.

Palabras clave : Weathering; Santander Massif; Hydrogeology; crystalline rocks; Aquifers.

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