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Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública

versión impresa ISSN 0120-386X


BARRAGAN B, Julián A.; PEDRAZA A, Yeni D.  y  RINCON R, Magda R.. Evaluation of the health attention on sexual violence cases: the experience of three hospitals in Bogotá. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [online]. 2013, vol.31, n.2, pp.195-201. ISSN 0120-386X.

OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the medical care provided to sexually assaulted victims in hospitals within the partnership of the Medical School at the UMNG. METHODOLOGY a multi-design method was implemented to evaluate (structure, process, and results) and identify the knowledge and attitudinal dimension of the health care providers. Through check lists, semi structured interviews and the application of knowledge and attitudes questionnaire from September 2009 thru September 2010. RESULTS : the imminent lack of supplies, space, and human resources was detected in the process due to the lack of recognition of the activity as institutional. The results clearly showed gaps in the diagnosis, patient record and the interdisciplinary orientation. The knowledge and attitudinal dimensions depicted a favorable result in regards to the service provided but there is still evident the lack of training. DISCUSSION :the health care provided to the sexually assaulted patients at the hospitals evaluated did not show a differential focus. The health care provided resulted deficient due to the inexistent interdisciplinary team, lack of training and an insufficient inter-sectorial coordination. Resulting in the necessity to periodically train the health care providers, aid the inception of the assistance network, and provide adequate physical spaces and supplies to guarantee an outstanding attention to these patients.

Palabras clave : quality of health care.

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