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Revista Salud Uninorte

versión impresa ISSN 0120-5552versión On-line ISSN 2011-7531


MARTINEZ ROYERT, Judith Cristina; BERTHEL REGINO, Yamileth  y  VERGARA DIAZ, Mary Sixta. Burnout syndrome in teachers and its relation with the learning of primary students of an official educational institution of Sincelejo (Colombia), 2016. Salud, Barranquilla [online]. 2017, vol.33, n.2, pp.118-128. ISSN 0120-5552.


To determine the relationship between burnout syndrome or elementary school teachers and the learning of students of the educational institution of the official sector during the year 2016.

Materials and methods:

A quantitative, descriptive, correlational study with a sample of 758 students and 25 teachers. The study variables were analyzed, starting from the identification of the levels of learning in the students through a simulation of Saber Test and the manifestations of Burnout in the teachers through the Questionnaire of Burnout of the Revised teaching staff (CBP-R).


Teachers present between one, two or three symptoms associated with Burnout syndrome in their moderate or high levels (12 % one symptom, 32 % two symptoms and 56% three symptoms, however of this 56 % only 8 % presents The 3 symptoms associated with Burnout). The first and second grades obtained higher levels of learning; In relation to the relationship between Burnout syndrome and learning; All scores are statistically significant in the Emotional Exhaustion (AE) variable, and the variable Depersonalization (DE).


The manifestations of Burnout syndrome in teachers indicate mostly moderate scores in the 3 symptoms Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Personal Realization. In the Emotional Exhaustion variable, students who have teachers with low or moderate scores, obtain better scores than those with a teacher with high exhaustion. For the variable Depersonalization the students' scores score better, when the teachers present low or moderate in this variable.

Palabras clave : Burnout professional; learning; education.

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