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versión impresa ISSN 0120-5927

How vol.25 no.2 Bogotá jul./dic. 2018 



Melba Libia Cárdenasa 

a Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. E-mail:

We are pleased to present the second issue of our twenty-fifth volume. As mentioned in our previous edition, this volume emerges in times of new regulations for the evaluation of journals edited in Colombia (Colciencias, 2016).

First of all, we can assert that although Colciencias-the Colombian research agency in charge of the evaluation and classification of journals edited in the country-ranked the HOW Journal in category C, our editorial policies and the rigor that characterises our editorial boards as well as the processes followed by our reviewers are maintained to ensure excellence in content and form. Additionally, our readership maintains their interest in contributing to it, as can be witnessed in the number and quality of the articles gathered in this edition.

Several challenges have been identified for the near future. First, we are committed to achieving classification in category B. To this end, we need to work harder to increase our visibility online. This might be attainable via the number of citations and we have reasons to be optimistic. For example, a search in Google Scholar shows that in 2017, HOW received 106 citations and as of June 30, 2018, we had gotten 53.

We also need to continue capturing the attention of international scholars and, hence, make sure we receive more contributions from other countries. In fact, we have witnessed an increasing interest among authors from Latin America as well as outside our region. This has been possible in part because of our participation in different scenarios and by sharing the vision and mission of HOW and inviting teachers and researchers to learn about it.

We are also aware of the necessity to strengthen our editorial committees by inviting scholars from different academic communities. Luckily, we continue receiving positive responses from some scholars, which is highly appreciated. We understand that the peer-review process is a time-consuming and voluntary task. For this reason, at this time we would like to welcome a new member to our editorial board. I am pleased to announce the willingness of Edgar Lucero-Babativa, from Universidad de La Salle (Colombia) to collaborate in the evaluation process of our journal. I am sure his expertise as a teacher-researcher and writer will also contribute toward ensuring the quality of our publication.

I am also glad to present the eight articles contained in this edition. As can be seen in the following pages, they deal with teacher education, alternatives to foster English language teaching, and reflective teaching. This time, contributors are based in Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Sudan, which evidences the increasing interest of the international community in getting published in the HOW Journal.

In the Research Reports section, we can read five articles. We begin with the article by Perla Villegas-Torres and Irasema Mora-Pablo from Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, and who report on a study focused on the role of language in the identity formation of transnational English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers. The authors examined the process of identity formation of returning migrants who lived in the United States and are currently studying for a BA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) in Mexico. Among other things, we can learn how teachers use their knowledge of the English language to be able to reinsert themselves in society once they have returned to their home country. We can also get acquainted with the way in which individuals perceive themselves. I am sure implications on family, ethnic associations, and school experiences can shed some light on further studies to be carried out in Mexico and in other Latin American contexts living similar circumstances in today’s political scenarios.

Afterward, Diana Ibarra Santacruz and David Martínez Ortega from Universidad de Nariño in Colombia share with us their investigation regarding memory training and its contribution toward retaining vocabulary. The results of this experimental study suggest that a series of memory strategies can benefit learning and lead to progress in the retention and retrieval of vocabulary.

Next, Abuelgasim Sabah Elsaid Mohammed and Hala Salih Mohammed Nur from the University of Khartoum (Sudan) report on a study that sought to investigate the English language needs of teaching assistants at their University. We can confirm in their findings that English for social life and academic purposes are both needed to communicate with the outside world and to teach their students.

After that, Colombian authors Sandra Viviana Pinzón Capador and Carmen Helena Guerrero Nieto present an account on the dichotomies lived by a prospective teacher during the teaching practicum, and when implementing Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the English language classroom. We can learn in the article how the student teacher and her advisor used introspective research by examining data derived from narrative introspection, introspective interview, and lesson plans. Interestingly, results show that the student teacher lived her teaching practicum within dichotomies in three dimensions (negotiating between epistemologies, making up for logistic/technological flaws; and mending the self: between frustration and achievement).

We close the first section of this edition with an article by Gemalli Ulloa Salazar and Claudio Díaz from Universidad de Concepción (Chile). They report on an action research study conducted in a semi-public school in Chile to determine the change in 18 EFL young learners’ performances regarding their understanding of instructions after being exposed to an audiovisual materials-based teaching strategy.

The Reports on Pedagogical Experiences section contains two contributions by Colombian authors. In the first one, Alexandra Novozhenina and Margarita M. López Pinzón describe the impact of a professional development program on EFL teachers’ performances, which sought to improve the teaching practice and self-reflection of EFL teachers, in Manizales (Colombia). Their conclusions confirm that teacher development programmes need to be conceived in terms of long-term schemes so that they can contribute to effective performance and quality assurance.

The second article by Diego F. Ubaque and Fredy Pinilla contains the results of a collaborative narrative inquiry study conducted in an EFL classroom in Bogota, Colombia. The purpose was to understand teachers’ experiences teaching vocabulary with communicative classroom activities via teachers’ narrative events. Among other interesting findings, we can highlight the role of negotiation and collaboration of teaching practices in fostering teachers’ learning, reflection, and students’ learning outcomes.

In the third section, Reflections and Revision of Themes, Marian Lissett Olaya Mesa from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia shares with us an article on reflective teaching as an approach toward enriching English teaching professional practice and professional development. Interestingly, the content analysis conducted by the author suggests that reflective teaching is an alternative to raise awareness about English language teaching, a means to encourage teachers to open their minds, to update their teaching methodologies, and to adjust their lessons.

I am sure you will find this edition interesting and useful. Once more, we hope we can continue counting on your support in spreading the news about our work.


Colciencias. (2016). Convocatoria No. 768 de 2016 para indexación de revistas científicas colombianas especializadas - Publindex (términos de referencia firmados) [Call No. 768, 2016 for the classification of Colombian specialized scientific journals - Publindex: approved document]. Bogotá, CO: Author. Retrieved from [ Links ]

How to cite this article (APA 6th ed.): Cárdenas, M. L. (2018). Editorial. HOW, 25(2), 6-9.

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