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Historia y Sociedad

versión impresa ISSN 0121-8417versión On-line ISSN 2357-4720


ARIMURA, Ríe. Nanban Art and its Globality: A Case Study of the New Spanish Mural The Great Martyrdom of Japan in 1597. Hist. Soc. [online]. 2019, n.36, pp.21-56.  Epub 17-Mayo-2019. ISSN 0121-8417.

Traditionally, nanban art has been seen as a simple product of exchanges between Japan, Portugal and Spain. The historiography tends to solely focus on artistic contributions of the Society of Jesus due to the foundation of a painting school in Japan. Thereby, the relevance of the Indo-Portuguese route in the cross-cultural history has been emphasized. However, the research advances of the last decades identify that nanban works consist of artistic inheritances from diverse regions of the world which were connected through the Portuguese and Spanish transoceanic routes. Similarly, Japanese nanban art influenced the artistic productions on the other side of the world. In summary, nanban art cannot be understood without taking into account its global implications. This paper clarifies the changes in epistemological understanding of nanban art, and its redefinitions through a historiographical review. This work also shows the important role of Spanish America in the artistic exchange mechanisms; these interactions occurred reciprocally. Therefore, the New World was one of the regions where Japanese art significantly influenced local productions. To exemplify this phenomenon, we address the influence of nanban art on the mural painting The great martyrdom of Japan in 1597 in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.

Palabras clave : (Thesaurus) arts; art history; Asian art; Latin American art. (Author) nanban art; kirishitan art; Spanish American colonial art..

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