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Revista MVZ Córdoba

versión impresa ISSN 0122-0268


ESPINOSA-CHAURAND, Luis et al. Effect of dietary protein level on the development of juveniles of Macrobrachium tenellum (Smith, 1871). Rev.MVZ Cordoba [online]. 2012, vol.17, n.3, pp.3140-3146. ISSN 0122-0268.

Objective. To evaluate the effect of five levels of crude protein (CP) in balanced feed on the survival, growth and feed conversion ratio (FCA) in juveniles of Macrobrachium tenellum. Materials and methods. Juveniles of M. tenellum (0.31±0.01g and 32.62±1.10mm) were fed for 60 days with 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% of CP in feed. The organisms were randomly distributed in 15 experimental tanks (15 org /tank) under controlled conditions (5.95±0.41 ppm of oxygen, 29.89 ± 0.72 °C, and pH 8.44±0.15) and fed with 10% of its live weight. Results. The survival percentage was 98.22±3.96% with no statistical difference between treatments (p>0.05). The organisms fed with 40% CP in their diet had a significantly higher weight (p<0.05) compared to the other treatments (weight change of 0.54±0.02g; weight increase 173.60±12.99%, and specific growth rate of 1.68±0.08). The FCA was significantly better (p<0.05) in organisms fed with 35 and 40% CP (2.85±0.18 and 2.40±0.05, respectively) than other treatments. Conclusions. Juveniles of M. tenellum fed with high protein levels (40%) developed faster than organisms which received a lower concentration of the protein under the experimental conditions established for this study.

Palabras clave : Dietary protein; foods; growth; Macrobrachium; nutrition.

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