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versión impresa ISSN 0122-1213versión On-line ISSN 2389-993X


JIMENEZ-REYES, Katherine  y  MENDEZ-CUCAITA, Gina Constanza. Teachers in the Colombian rural context: narratives that configure identities. Prospectiva [online]. 2023, n.35, e20112271.  Epub 01-Nov-2022. ISSN 0122-1213.

Giving meaning to the narratives of teachers who live in rural contexts becomes an opportunity to read and understand the elements that make up their identities and how they participate in pedagogical practices. This article derived from an investigation aims to contrast narratives of identity that focus on the recognition of the role of teachers in rural contexts from an interpretive perspective regarding the stories of one group of students who advance their academic training of the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education in two locations of the Universidad Minuto de Dios, Colombia. Methodologically, the use of narratives was considered a dialogical source that contributes to recapitulating experiences framed under a personal and pedagogical character associated with temporal factors, thus allowing sequences, narrative strength, and discourses that outline their identity traits. The article deals with the origins and contexts where teachers work, including the importance of memories linked to the arrival to teaching, and a look at the factors that participate in the construction of identities. In short, the narrative is viewed as a relevant possibility for doing and thinking about educational research, considering the construction of identities as a reflexive axis in the training of teachers.

Palabras clave : Narratives; Identity; Rural context; Teachers; Early childhood.

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