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Palabra Clave

versión impresa ISSN 0122-8285versión On-line ISSN 2027-534X


OROZCO-LARA, Jhon Fernando; RODRIGUEZ-OREJUELA, Augusto  y  CONTRERAS-RAMIREZ, Germán. Consumer Engagement as a Communication Strategy to Promote Brand Advocacy on Facebook Fan Pages. Palabra Clave [online]. 2022, vol.25, n.3, e2533.  Epub 26-Jul-2022. ISSN 0122-8285.

Due to the great interest aroused by academics and professionals regarding the relationship and communication between consumers and brands in social media, this study analyzes consumer brand engagement (CBE), consumer participation in virtual brand communities, and their effect on brand advocacy. For this purpose, a survey of 306 Facebook users in Colombia was conducted. Data were analyzed using an SEM-PLS model using Smartpls 3 software. Results show that consumer participation in virtual communities’ influences CBE and drives brand advocacy. Besides, we identified that CBE could mediate between behaviors associated with the involvement in virtual brand communities and brand advocacy.

Palabras clave : Brand advocacy; consumer engagement; virtual brand community; consumer; communication strategies; Facebook; Internet, brand; social media.

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