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vol.14 número34Adscripción de la contabilidad en la estructura general del conocimientoEstructura de capital del sector automotor colombiano: una aplicación de la teoría de la jerarquía de las preferencias índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cuadernos de Contabilidad

versión impresa ISSN 0123-1472


LOAIZA-ROBLES, Fabiola. International Educational Tendencies Present in Public Accounting Programs. Cuad. Contab. [online]. 2013, vol.14, n.34, pp.189-215. ISSN 0123-1472.

The present paper shows the results of a qualitative research project called International Educational Tendencies Present in Public Accounting Programs, carried out with the scope of characterising educational tendencies found in six accounting programs in Bogotá, and for which the notions of education, pedagogy and the theory-practice relation were considered as analysis categories, derived from four educational tendencies such as the German, the French, the Russian and the Latin. Discussion on the results underlines the location of these categories in the orientation documents of the discussed programs. Lastly, the conclusion discusses the possibility of a model of accounting education based on education theories and in that sense is an invitation to further study the subject and take the necessary action..

Palabras clave : Educational Tendencies; Accounting Education; Accounting Programs; Public accounting; international accounting; modern trends; public accounting-programs.

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