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Persona y Bioética

versión impresa ISSN 0123-3122


SARMIENTO, Pedro. Bioethics and Infancy: An Ethical Commitment to the Future. pers.bioét. [online]. 2010, vol.14, n.1, pp.10-29. ISSN 0123-3122.

Bioethical responsibility to children, beyond the traditional clinical considerations, is a moral imperative and has a definitive impact on the future. Millions of children the world over find themselves in truly grave circumstances. Hunger, malnutrition, disease, illiteracy, violence, exposure to risk, exploitation and abuse are met with judicial weakness and lack of government attention. This study explores the bioethical needs and problems raised by reflection on children from a global and local perspective.

Palabras clave : Bioethics; child abuse; hunger; child labor.

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