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Revista de Derecho Privado

versión impresa ISSN 0123-4366


RODRIGUEZ MEJIA, Marcela. The new regulation of the Colombian arbitration law: law 1563 of 12 July 2012. Rev. Derecho Privado [online]. 2012, n.23, pp.367-405. ISSN 0123-4366.

Abstract The new regulation of the Colombian arbitration, the Ley 1563 de 12 de julio de 2012, por medio de la cual se expide el Estatuto de Arbitraje Nacional e Internacional y se dictan otras disposiciones, contemplates a dualist arbitral regime. Whereas international arbitration follows the UNCITRAL Model Law of 1985, amended in 2003, domestic arbitration establishes a different regime. This article aims at resolving whether domestic arbitration contemplated in the new Act is real arbitration or, on the contrary, it appears to be closer to a judicial procedure. To this end, we will focus on those aspects of the regulation that we consider may lead to answer this issue, that is: available cases to be heard by arbitrators, institutional arbitration vs. ad hoc arbitration, requirements to become an arbitrator, stay of procedure, start of arbitral procedure, free legal aid, appointment of the arbitral tribunal, impediments and challenge of arbitrators, seat of the tribunal, use of electronic means, conciliation hearing, fees and costs, procedures under ordinary or contentious-administrative justice, first hearing, evidence, pleas and arbitral awards hearings, intervention of third and other parties, adoption of the arbitral award, extraordinary annulment challenge, grounds of annulment, effects of the judgment ruling annulment, regulation of arbitration entities.

Palabras clave : arbitration; Act 1563/2012; judicial procedure.

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