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vol.35 número151Escala de medida de responsabilidad social en el contexto universitario: una triple visión basada en competencias, formación y participación del estudianteDesempeño empresarial y ciclo económico en la industria de alimentos y bebidas colombiana: una aproximación no paramétrica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios Gerenciales

versión impresa ISSN 0123-5923


ROJERO-JIMENEZ, Roberto; GOMEZ-ROMERO, José Gerardo Ignacio  y  QUINTERO-ROBLES, Liz Margarita. Transformational leadership and its influence on the attributes of the followers on Mexicans MSMEs. estud.gerenc. [online]. 2019, vol.35, n.151, pp.178-189. ISSN 0123-5923.

The present investigation seeks to analize and explain the influence that transformational leadership has on the attributes of the followers of the MSMEs of Durango (Mexico). For this, a questionnaire was applied to a sample of leaders and their followers of 360 companies chosen at random. Based on the information collected, 84 linear regression models were constructed, finding statistically significant evidence of the influence of transformational leadership on the attributes of the followers. The laissez faire factor and the one of individualized consideration, are the factors that have greater incidence on the dependent variable. In addition, 6 cases are highlighted where the values of r2 present values of 1,0 reflecting a stronger relationship of the independent variable in the attributes of followers.

Palabras clave : transformational leadership; followers; MSMEs.

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