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vol.20 número2Sócrates, tipologías de intelectuales y política: algunas referencias al caso argentino índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Literatura: Teoría, Historia, Crítica

versión impresa ISSN 0123-5931


CROCE, Marcela. Per monstra ad astra / Ad astra per aspera: Two Models for the Relation between Intellectuals and Academia. Lit. teor. hist. crit. [online]. 2018, vol.20, n.2, pp.221-244. ISSN 0123-5931.

The article inquires into the differential relationship with academia set forth by two Argentinean researchers, as evidenced in their choice of subject matter and their connections to the intellectual field. Using a comparative method, the paper discusses two books published in 2017: Iconografías malditas, imágenes desencantadas by Eduardo Grüner and Excesos lectores, ascetismos iconográficos by José Emilio Burucúa. Besides the type of institutional insertion which appears in the different approaches each essay adopts -in Grüner, a theoretical focus, in Burucúa a description of academic life-, each book constructs different intellectual profiles: that of the intellectual who calls for concrete participation in social life, and that of the intellectual who prefers to carry out his research in isolation. Their choice of subjects is aligned with these preferences and confirmed by the way the essays are developed.

Palabras clave : intellectuals; academia; history of art; philosophy of art; dialectical images.

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