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Revista de Salud Pública

versión impresa ISSN 0124-0064


ALVAREZ-LONDONO, Juan C.; DUARTE-GANDICA, Irene; AGUIRRE-OBANDO, Oscar A.  y  JIMENEZ-MONTOYA, Jorge A.. Dengue vector control using ether fractions from two plants (Asteraceae) as larvicide. Rev. salud pública [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.2, pp.227-236. ISSN 0124-0064.

Objective Evaluating the larvicidal activity of two ether factions from Asteraceae (the aster, daisy or sunflower family, i.e. Heli opsisoppositifolia (L.) Druce (oxeye, sunflower-like) and Jaegeria hirta (Lag.) Less (weed-like)) on Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L.) final third instar or initial fourth instar larvae near the town of Armenia in the Quindío Department in Colombia. Methods H. oppositifolia and J. hirta plants were collected and submitted to phytochemical analysis. Ether fractions were prepared form both species to assess 11 concentrations for determining LC50, LC90 and LC95 lethal concentrations after 24 and 48h. The LC50, LC90 and LC95 results were used to create a mathematical model for describing lethal population-concentration dynamics. Results Phytochemical analysis identified tannins, flavonoids, quinones, cardiac glycosides, sterols, lactones, terpenes, courmarins and alkaloids in H. oppositifolia and J. hirta. LC after 48h regarding J. hirta (LC50 24, LC90 70 and LC95 93ppm) was lower than those for H. oppositifolia (LC50 39, LC90 77 and LC95 94 ppm). A factorial ANOVA test confirmed this trend: 66 %, F=18.5 and p<0.05 for J. hirta and 34 %, F=18.5 and p<0.05 for H. oppositifolia. The mathematical simulation model suggested that using LC50 every 15 days and LC90 and LC95 every 30 days from either of these species led to the same response compared to using LC90 and LC95 every 30 days or LC50 every 15 days. Conclusion Both species had a larvicidal effect. However, J. Hirta turned out to be more promising as an eventual bioinsecticide for controlling A. Aegypti immature states.

Palabras clave : Aedes; dose-response relationship; drug; epidemiology; plant extract.

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