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vol.21 número36Las visiones estratégicas de los emprendedores aplicadas en el Business Model Social: propuesta de una tipologíaMedición del clima organizacional con un enfoque de género en la Escuela Politécnica Nacional índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Universidad y Empresa

versión impresa ISSN 0124-4639versión On-line ISSN 2145-4558


HERRERA-ECHEVERRI, Hernán. Diversification Decision and Spin-Off Decision. Expansion Cycles and Focus Cycles: Retrospective Analysis of Evidence in the Bavaria Case. rev.univ.empresa [online]. 2019, vol.21, n.36, pp.228-260. ISSN 0124-4639.

This proposal uses the case of Grupo Empresarial Bavaria to analyze three aspects of the unrelated diversification and the spin off process. First, it is established that firms with business units characterized by cash excess, start unrelated diversification processes, because internal capital market allows them to bring down their funding constraints and increase corporate profitability. Second, we demonstrate that the diversification decision of a corporate manager is inversely proportional to the magnitude of the expected cost by the effort dilution of the manager of the new business unit. And finally, it is shown that unrelated diversification has a limit on their contribution to increased corporate profitability, in which case it may induce the decision to spin off for delimit, specialize and improve the quality of allocation decisions resources. This explains why some corporative groups present focus cycles and diversification cycles. When the economic group wants to increase the profitability starts a diversification process, once the threshold is overtaken, the probability of success in their investment decisions is reduced, then the focus process begins again by separating unrelated units. This cycle can be repeated in the historical development of a business group.

Palabras clave : Business groups; unrelated diversification; scission; internal capital markets.

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