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Discusiones Filosóficas

versión impresa ISSN 0124-6127


ACOSTA LOPEZ DE MESA, Juliana. Peirce's philosophical project from chance to evolutionary love. discus.filos [online]. 2014, vol.15, n.25, pp.31-41. ISSN 0124-6127.

This paper aims at presenting Peirce's development of his theory of tychism in relation to his conception of evolution. I claim that Peirce's evolutionary philosophy reaches a step further in the explanation of the world than do the philosophical projects that preceded it. For instance, Peirce's theory of evolution solved the problems of Aristotle's division of the world, rejects Spencer's vision of a deterministic evolution, and complements Darwin's theory of evolution based merely on chance and struggle. For this purpose, I shall show that in order to give a complete account of the uniqueness of Peirce's philosophical project it is necessary to understand his teleology in relationship to his agapasticism, which incorporates his tychism, an idea (that is, teleology) that has been neglected by some scholars, such as T. L. Short. Thus, I shall claim that only under the light of agapasticism can we understand why teleology plays the important role of unifying the cosmos and its creatures through a general ideal and the force of sympathetic feelings that are open to growth.

Palabras clave : Chance (tychism); evolutionary love (agapasticism); Peirce; teleology; Theory of evolution.

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