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 número35La internacionalización de las entidades locales y estrategia de planeación: una oportunidad para el desarrollo territorialGenealogía de la mediación comunitaria en México * índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0124-7441


GUZMAN GONZALEZ, Patricia  y  RAMBAO HERNANDEZ, Jaime. The role of social reintegration and the role of judges in the enforcement of penalties and security measures in Colombia. Justicia [online]. 2019, n.35, pp.157-175. ISSN 0124-7441.

This research article responds to the scope of the specific objective "to analyze the new role of the judge of execution of sentences and security measures as they exercise the follow-up to the fulfillment of the social reintegration of the condemned" within the project "Social Reinsertion in the Colombian Caribbean. A case study at El Bosque de Barranquilla Penitentiary and La Vega Prison in Sincelejo during the years 2013-2017.

Palabras clave : Function of the penalty; social reinsertion; judge of execution of sentences and security measures; convicted.

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