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Pensamiento & Gestión

versión impresa ISSN 1657-6276versión On-line ISSN 2145-941X


VALENCIA ESPINOSA, Adriana. Discourse and counter-discourse in managing organizational symbols. Pensam. gest. [online]. 2016, n.40, pp.203-229. ISSN 1657-6276.

The management of organizations is limited at present time, in addition to traditional symbolic aspects both within them and in their relations with other organizations elements. This article analyzes two texts, one produced by a Colombian cement business organization and the other produced by a union representing some of its workers, in relation to a business organization established by the purpose of consolidating the organizational culture event. With a theoretical approach from the perspectives of critical management studies the methodology is discourse analysis, based on proposals of Van Dijk (1996, 2003) and Potter (1996). The results suggest great polarization in reference to the event in question and sets the size and scope of management.

Palabras clave : critical management studies; discourse; management; symbols.

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