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Revista Ciencias de la Salud

versión impresa ISSN 1692-7273versión On-line ISSN 2145-4507


RODRIGUEZ, Javier et al. Geometric characterization of red blood cells. Differentiation of normal and pathologic samples. Rev. Cienc. Salud [online]. 2008, vol.6, n.3, pp.47-56. ISSN 1692-7273.

Introduction. Fractal geometry measures the irregularity of abstract and natural objects with the fractal dimension. Fractal calculations have been applied to the structures of the human body and to quantifications in physiology from the theory of dynamic systems. Material and Methods. The fractal dimensions were calculated, the number of occupation spaces in the space border of box counting and the area of two red blood cells groups, 7 normal ones, group A, and 7 abnormal, group B, coming from patient and of bags for transfusion, were calculated using the method of box counting and a software developed for such effect. The obtained measures were compared, looking for differences between normal and abnormal red blood cells, with the purpose of differentiating samples. Results. The abnormality characterizes by a number of squares of occupation of the fractal space greater or equal to 180; values of areas between 25.117 and 33.548 correspond to normality. In case that the evaluation according to the number of pictures is of normality, must be confirmed with the value of the area applied to adjacent red blood cells within the sample, that in case of having values by outside established and/or the greater or equal spaces to 180, they suggest abnormality of the sample. Conclusions. The developed methodology is effective to differentiate the red globules alterations and probably useful in the analysis of bags of transfusion for clinical use.

Palabras clave : fractal; transfusion; red blood cells.

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