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versión impresa ISSN 1692-8261


PUELLO MENDEZ, Juliana; PERALTA-RUIZ, Yeimmy  y  GONZALEZ-DELGADO, Ángel Darío. Study of FAMEs dilution for avoiding the contamination of Jet-Fuel and biodiesel in a latinamerican pipeline. Prospect. [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.1, pp.54-60. ISSN 1692-8261.

The use of biofuels produced from natural oils is advantageous from the environmental point of view because when they are mixed with fossil fuels, percentage of sulfur emitted to the atmosphere by fuel combustion is diminished. However, for operational reasons, in some Latin American countries the same infrastructure is used to transport biodiesel and Jet-fuel, resulting in contamination of both fuels affecting the quality, performance for the case of Jet-Fuel and altering critical operating variables of its use in aircrafts as freezing point. In this study, the development of a methodology for avoiding contamination of Jet-Fuel and biodiesel in the transport by pipeline in order to minimize the presence of unwanted components in the final product, the analysis of the concentration of biodiesel in jet fuel occurs was performed by gas chromatography for several purges of the system. The application of the methodology showed the feasibility of the dilution of biodiesel-Jet Fuel mixtures through a pipeline and it could be concluded that the optimum dilution flow was 800 barrels with a confidence operation interval between 600 to 1200 barrels of Jet-Fuel.

Palabras clave : Biodiesel; Jet-Fuel; Chromatography; Contamination; Transportation by pipeline.

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