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Revista EIA
versión impresa ISSN 1794-1237versión On-line ISSN 2463-0950
ALVAREZ LUGO, Allex Eduardo et al. Evaluation of degradation due to compaction in subbase granular materials. Rev.EIA.Esc.Ing.Antioq [online]. 2019, vol.16, n.31, pp.13-25. ISSN 1794-1237.
The granular bases and subbases used in pavement structures are materials susceptible to degrade due to multiple factors related to their production, construction, and operation as road materials. This paper aims on quantifying the degradation in materials used as granular subbase layers subjected to repeated compaction. This degradation was evaluated in terms of changes in gradation and mechanical response (i.e., CBR, parameters computed based on the static triaxial test, and resilient modulus). Corresponding results suggested that the recompaction process led to the production of fine particles, associated with the increase in the dry unit weight, while the mechanical response decreased. Reductions in CBR and resilient modulus were obtained since the first recompaction and showed the effect of applying repeated mechanical energy. Additional research is recommended to validate the relationship between the degradation induced by recompaction and that generated in the materials when used as pavement structural layers.
Palabras clave : aggregates, granular subbase, degradation, California bearing ratio (CBR), resilient modulus, recompaction.