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vol.21 número42Las Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia como grupo armado politizado: un nuevo paradigma del crimen organizadoPolítica inclusiva según Habermas y Honneth: análisis de las medidas cautelares de la CIDH para el pueblo nasa índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Científica General José María Córdova

versión impresa ISSN 1900-6586versión On-line ISSN 2500-7645


REBOLLEDO-CASTILLO, Danny Miguel. Alternative Development (2003-2021): An analysis from the participants. Rev. Cient. Gen. José María Córdova [online]. 2023, vol.21, n.42, pp.353-379.  Epub 01-Abr-2023. ISSN 1900-6586.

Alternative Development has been a component of the anti-drug strategy in Colombia. This article analyzes it in the period 2003 to 2021 in the departments of Nariño, Putumayo and Norte de Santander, in order to identify successes and failures in its design and implementation. Using a qualitative method, interviews were conducted with social leaders participating in the programs that have constituted it (Forest Warden Families, PNIS and Col/K53). As a contribution to the evaluation of the anti-drug policy and Alternative Development, positive factors were identified as community socio-business strengthening and the establishment of good relations with technical assistance personnel, and negative factors were identified as delays in the implementation of productive projects and food security, and the absence of marketing support.

Palabras clave : Colombia; drug policy; drug traffic; illicit crop substitution; rural development.

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