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vol.17 número2Perspectivas feministas para la BioéticaCuerpo vivido y proletarización originaria: técnica y perímetro antrópico en Paul Virilio y Bernard Stiegler índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética

versión impresa ISSN 1900-6896versión On-line ISSN 2590-9452


VARGAS-MORENO, Karin Viviana  y  WILCHES-FLOREZ, Ángela María. Bioethical discussion on plant specimens: Transcendence of anthropocentric interests linked to medicinal plants. Rev. colomb. bioét. [online]. 2022, vol.17, n.2, e02.  Epub 15-Ene-2024. ISSN 1900-6896.

Purpose/ Context.

This article exposes the enigma concerning certain cultural perspectives that have covered medicinal plants, from their intrinsic value and use in different social scenarios, taking into account two lines of action: the holistic and the anthropocentric.


A review of bibliographic material was carried out, from the qualitative approach of cultural analysis and the technique of documentary analysis, taking into account the thematic axes land ethics, anthropocentrism and medicinal plants.


Medicinal plants have generated a high incidence in the field of health, due to their intrinsic value, visualized from autopoiesis and their importance in the ecosystem. On the other hand, the uses established in different areas of knowledge (medicine, biotechnology, agriculture, among others); and practices exercised (cultural), achieve benefits for man from the physical, biological and understanding dimensions.


The bioethical position was supported from the environmental foundations visualized in A. Leopold's Earth Ethics and V. Potter's global bioethics; without leaving aside authors such as F. Jahr, G. Cely, among others. The approaches analyzed emphasize the need to promote the transition from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism, based on a responsible interaction between humans and non-humans, generating the harmony, interrelation and balance that must be consolidated within an ecosystem, where it is essential to coexist with medicinal plants and their intrinsic value.

Palabras clave : Medicinal Plants; Environmental Bioethics; Anthropocentrism; Ecocentrism; Holistic Vision.

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