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Revista de Economía del Caribe

versión impresa ISSN 2011-2106


PANTOJAS GARCIA, Emilio. The Caribbean in the globalization era: Valué chains and the new center-periphery relation. rev. econ. Caribe [online]. 2014, n.13, pp.119-153. ISSN 2011-2106.

In this paper is carried an analysis of the process of redefinition and restructuring of Caribbean economies in the process called globalization and its impact on the economic development of the region. For this is given a description of the evolution of the center-periphery relation, following among others, the Prebisch-Singer and Wallerstein thesis. Subsequently is explained how glo-balization changes the paradigm of the global economy towards new concepts such as value chains. Finally is described how the process of contemporary globalization has restructured Caribbean economies, setting it as international service centers, focusing on tourism, entertainment and finance, and thus preserving the as-ymmetries that characterize a center-periphery economic relation.

Palabras clave : Globalization; value chain; Caribbean.

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