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 número13El Caribe en la era de la globalización: Cadenas de valor y la nueva relación centro - periferiaSOCIOGRAFÍA DE LAS CORPORACIONES EMPRESARIAS EN Argentina. Unión Industrial Argentina, 1966-1974 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Economía del Caribe

versión impresa ISSN 2011-2106


ROMERO, Alberto  y  VERA-COLINA, Mary A. INCOMPLETE GLOBALIZATION. rev. econ. Caribe [online]. 2014, n.13, pp.154-184. ISSN 2011-2106.

The aim of this document is to analyze the process of globa-lization, its determinants and the factors limiting its scope. Methodologically, the work is based on a comprehensive critical literature review on the subject, supplemented with the analysis of macroeconomic indicators in different countries. The results show the growing economic and social inequality between regions, as part of a process of globalization based on a pattern of capitalist accumulation, which tends to exacerbate these imbalances. Glo-balization is characterized as incomplete, because of the limited deployment potential to achieve a more equitable and sustainable development, not only economically, but also in scientific, tech-nological, environmental, political and social issues.

Palabras clave : Globalization; International Labour Division; Une-qual Development.

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