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Aletheia. Revista de Desarrollo Humano, Educativo y Social Contemporáneo

versión On-line ISSN 2145-0366


DELGADO LOMBANA, César Augusto. The dialogue agreement and hypothetical doalogue and the real agreement. Aleth. rev. desarro. hum. educ. soc. contemp. [online]. 2015, vol.7, n.1, pp.30-51. ISSN 2145-0366.

This article aims to examine the proposal from the book What we owe to each other. What does it mean to be moral? Focusing in two main purposes. The first one has to do with the effort to interpret, according to Scanlon, the idea of dialogue and hypothetical agreement established in the heart of the structure of contractualism sustained by him. The second one is to generate a dialogue between Habermas and Scanlon proposal in order to demonstrate how through Habermas's conception "of language use tending to agreement", you can generate a step from the design of dialogue and hypothetical agreement to the dialogue and real agreement. This, with the purpose of strengthening the idea of reasons exchange embedded in the heart of Scanlon's contractualism.

Palabras clave : contractualism agreement; hypothetical dialogue; language use tending to agreement.

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