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Aletheia. Revista de Desarrollo Humano, Educativo y Social Contemporáneo

versión On-line ISSN 2145-0366


ESPITIA CUBILLOS, Anny Astrid; BUITRAGO SUESCUN, Oscar Yecid  y  MEJIAS, Agustín. Analysis of the Industrial Engineering Practicants about Their Performance from Universidad Militar Nueva Granada during 2011-2015. Aleth. rev. desarro. hum. educ. soc. contemp. [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.2, pp.15-36. ISSN 2145-0366.

The purpose of the paper is to study the evaluations obtained by students in the program of industrial engineering at the Military University Nueva Granada, who selected internship as a degree option since 2011 and socialized the results of it until 2015, to determine what elements have greater impact on the general evaluative criteria of their immediate superiors and if there are other factors that affect it. Thus, the program is fed back to the decision-making process leading to improve the quality of training provided and approach. It began with the collection and organization of information, which was analyzed using multivariate regression analysis considering the elements of each area, which identified the area that best explains the variability of the general evaluation criterion is performance as an intern and need to change the format.

Palabras clave : multivariate regression analysis; professional practices; evaluation.

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