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Revista Salud Uninorte

versión impresa ISSN 0120-5552


MARTINEZ, Adel; GOMEZ ARCILA, Verónica  y  CARMONA, Zenén. Surgical resection in mucocele using silicone. Salud, Barranquilla [online]. 2014, vol.30, n.3, pp.498-504. ISSN 0120-5552.

The mucocele is a lesion mainly affecting the minor salivary glands is formed due to extravasation of mucous saliva product of bite trauma. Given the causal factor the mucocele can be classified as mucous extravasation cyst or mucous retention cyst. Primarily affect the lower lip and appear as a nodule, translucent, circumscribed containing mucous or shows an elevation, the color of the overlying mucosa. The treatment consists of surgical resection of the lesion, including minor salivary glands affected. We report a case of a patient 18, who has deep mucocele, which was treated with surgical resection using a filling of silicone fluid in cystic cavity, which keeps the anatomic landmarks so you can make complete removal of the lesion and the affected glands.

Palabras clave : mucocele; ranula; cystectomy; minor salivary glands.

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