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vol.13 número2Caracterización del habla de estudiantes investigadores del Programa de Derecho de una universidad de Cali-Colombia, 2014Contradicciones y propuestas para la educación en la sociedad del conocimiento índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1794-8932


BARRAGAN MORENO, Sandra Patricia  y  GONZALEZ TAMARA, Leandro. Findings on education in Bogota (Colombia) based on a 2014 multipurpose survey. sophia [online]. 2017, vol.13, n.2, pp.13-29. ISSN 1794-8932.

This paper presents a study on education of the Multipurpose Survey of the year 2014, financed by the District Department of Planning of the city of Bogotá and developed by the National Statistics Department. This study focuses on determining the main reasons why people of school age did not do so at the time of the survey, and in characterizing the educational levels of household heads and their spouses or partners as referring adults in the households surveyed. The survey was applied to a sample of 61,725 people, who according to the sample design represent 7,794,463 inhabitants of urban areas in Bogota. Using descriptive and data mining techniques, it is stated that the two main reasons for not studying are the lack of money and the need to work. In addition, marital status is a more determinant predictor than sex or socioeconomic stratum. Single people are motivated to earn a college degree when they have had access to higher education at some point in their life. When studying the information of household heads, a similar behavior was observed, because the reasons for not studying were practically the same. Unplanned pregnancy and living with a partner are not outstanding reasons.

Palabras clave : Sampling survey; educational statistics; school dropout; educational prospecting; classification system.

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