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vol.81 número185Producción de bioetanol por fermentación de hidrolizados hemicelulósicos de residuos de palma africana usando una cepa de Scheffersomyces stipitis adaptadaArquitectura empresarial como instrumento para gestionar la complejidad operativa en las organizaciones índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0012-7353


BORRAS-FORMOSO, Ramón; FERREIRO-GARCIA, Ramón; MIGUELEZ-POSE, Fernanda  y  FERNANDEZ-AMEAL, Cándido. Making Use of Coastal Wave Energy: A proposal to improve oscillating water column converters. Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas [online]. 2014, vol.81, n.185, pp.211-218. ISSN 0012-7353.

This paper aims to describe an alternative design (protected by patent), for an onshore wave based energy converter, specifically an oscillating water column, capable of providing increased efficiency. In order to compare the various alternative designs, a theoretical model that describes the physical behavior with certain restrictions is proposed. The converters incorporate a rectifying barrier leading to a large pool of water between the sea and the converter.In order to estimate the theoretical increase in achievable power, a theoretic cycle model is assumed for the simulation of its operational dynamics using a simplified ideal behavior: regular waves, the air assumed to be an ideal gas, with adiabatic compression and expansion. The results obtained show that a correct adjustment of the turbine differential pressure contributes to an increase in the available power output. We conclude that the proposed innovations can lead to an improved technology applicable to this type of converters.

Palabras clave : Ocean energy; Renewable energy; Alternative energy; Wave energy converters (WEC); Oscillating water column (OWC); OWC-DPST.

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