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vol.90 número229Mirada histórica al proceso de la preparación los directivos en CubaDesarrollo de un proceso ecológico y estandarizado para la elaboración de polvo de ajo (Allium Sativum) en el sector agrícola de la región Arequipa índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0012-7353versión On-line ISSN 2346-2183


CRESPO-SANCHEZ, Gustavo  y  PEREZ-ABRIL, Ignacio. Multi-objective reconfiguration of the distribution systems by using NSGA-II and local improvement. Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas [online]. 2023, vol.90, n.229, pp.89-96.  Epub 03-Abr-2024. ISSN 0012-7353.

Many heuristics for network reconfiguration rely on the systematic applying of the branch-exchange technique. In this work, two novel genetic operators for crossover and mutation have been developed that are based on the referred technique. The chromosome's codification to use these operators is straightforward and is not required any additional knowledge of graph theory to achieve the feasibility of individuals. As one of their main novelties, the methodology shows how can be employed a local improvement step, used commonly in the single-objective optimization, in the multi-objective optimization. This step increases the convergence of the optimization with populations of much reduced size. The proposed methodology is tested by solving several examples of the literature, including or not the local improvement step. The comparison of the results with the best solutions published for these examples shows the effectiveness of the method.

Palabras clave : reconfiguration; distribution systems; genetic algorithm; NSGA-II.

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