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 número84Movimiento social como actor-red: ensamblando el Comité para la defensa del Agua y del Páramo de SanturbánEmpresas, recursos económicos y gobiernos indígenas: una aproximación al estudio de las redes clientelares en un resguardo indígena en la Altillanura colombiana índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Universitas Humanística

versión impresa ISSN 0120-4807


OSEJO, Alejandra  y  UNGAR, Paula. Yes to Water, No to Gold? Connections of Extractivism and Environmentalism in the Santurbán Páramo. univ.humanist. [online]. 2017, n.84, pp.143-166. ISSN 0120-4807.

In recent years, equatorial upper mountain ecosystems known as páramos have gained public prominence in Colombia as territories disputed among different interests, noticeably among those lined up around water care and those related to mining extractivism. Through a case study on the Santurbán Páramo, a key water supply for more than one million urban and rural inhabitants of its surroundings, which hosts important gold reserves and intensive farming, this work contributes to understanding moorlands as territories whose transformations occur as a result of complex historical and inter-scale interactions, visible around both extractivism and environmentalism. Based on a relational perspective and on the concept of friction proposed by Anna Tsing, this work intends to contribute to the understanding of this complexity and draw attention to the need for considering the multiscalar in governmental policies with conservation purposes.

Palabras clave : páramo; global-local; socio-environmental conflicts; conservation; relational analysis; multi-sited ethnography; politics of scale.

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