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vol.11 número21Análisis preliminar del potencial eólico en 4 ciudades de Colombia y su aprovechamiento estimado a partir de aerogeneradores urbanosUso de Scenedesmus sp. para la Ficorremediación de Aguas Residuales de Curtiembres índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1909-3667


AGUILERA BERMUDEZ, Ernesto  y  RODRIGUEZ RICO, Oswaldo. easurement of Complex Dielectric Permittivity in Oils from High-Voltage Transformers Using a Coaxial Probe. Tecciencia [online]. 2016, vol.11, n.21, pp.60-66. ISSN 1909-3667.

In this paper a methodology for the alignment of waves in the photoplethysmography (PPG) register signal is shown. The procedure uses algorithms for dynamic programming and for optimization in order to generate a single segmentation of these waves in the PPG signal and the individual reconstruction of each wave. By aligning a pattern signal for the photoplethysmography, it is possible to make an individual segmentation of waves present in the PPG signal. Once the reconstruction of each individual wave is obtained, these data are indexed in an array, which enables easier temporary markers such as the individual location of each peak to the oxygen saturation (SpO2) signal analysis.

Palabras clave : Dynamic Programming; Sequence alignment; Photoplethysmography.

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