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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

versão impressa ISSN 0120-0011


BOTERO-GONZALEZ, Paula Andrea et al. Morbidity and mortality in pediactric intensive care unit of Child Hospital Manizales University during 2006 and 2007. [online]. 2010, vol.58, n.1, pp.3-14. ISSN 0120-0011.

Background. The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of the "Hospital Infantil Universitario de la Cruz Roja Rafael Henao Toro" in Manizales (Colombia), has become a reference center for this field of the country. To our knowledge, there are no studies analyzing the epidemiologic features of patients in this unit, even though this data could be relevant in a number of ways. Objective. To conduct a basic epidemiological study of children admitted to the University Pediatric Hospital during years 2006 and 2007. Material and methods. This was a cross sectional study. Study variables included age, date of entry into and evacuation from the facility, sex, procedence, social security, cause of admission, time of stay, procedures applied, reason for discharge, and when applicable, cause of mortality. Results. This study reports on 341 critically ill patients with mean age 6.8 years, 61% male gender, and 56.2% rural procedence. The most prevalent group of conditions was infectious diseases, particularly lung infections, which had a global mortality of 14.2%, with non-response to resuscitation in 89% of the cases. The most frequently used procedures were mechanical ventilation (26.9%), gastric tube insertion (25.2%), urinary catheter insertion (22.4%), and central venous catheter insertion (21.7%). Conclusion. The most frequent cause of admission into the pediatric intensive care unit was lung infection. Infectious diseases in general displayed the greatest mortality rates.

Palavras-chave : epidemiology; mortality; morbidity; intensive care; pediatrics.

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