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vol.37 número3''Alegría de leer'' (Joy of Reading): a Student Handbook with Heritage Status. Preservation and New Circulation Methods of a Place of Memory índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología

versão impressa ISSN 0120-0976


GUEVARA VILLANUEVA, Angélica. The High School Teachers Community in Mexico as Users of Documentary Information. Rev. Interam. Bibliot [online]. 2014, vol.37, n.3, pp.263-283. ISSN 0120-0976.

This paper presents an outlook on the research projects regarding the study of information needs and the information search process of high school teachers. Moreover, this paper initially describes some quantitative indicators, such as time, geographic distribution, thematic areas, types of information sources, methods, study strategies or tools, and language. Secondly, it presents the content of the research developed. Additionally, it discloses the objects of study that show the trends identified in the research projects, from the decade in which they started to be conducted until the present day, in order to determine the most researched phase: information needs or information behavior. Finally, some general considerations are presented as conclusions.

Palavras-chave : Information needs; Information behavior; High school teachers; Secondary school teachers.

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