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Colombian Journal of Anestesiology

versão impressa ISSN 0120-3347

Rev. colomb. anestesiol. vol.42 no.4 Bogotá out./dez. 2014 

Questions and answers*

Preguntas y respuestas

Fernando Raffan Sanabriaa,b

a Anesthesiologist and Intensivist, University Hospital Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia
b Professor, Universidad el Bosque and Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia

*Please cite this article as: Sanabria FR. Preguntas y respuestas. Rev Colomb Anestesiol. 2014;42:335–336.2256-2087/

This section includes questions prepared on the basis of the contents of the articles published in volume 42, number 3 of the Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology1. Accept this challenge to test your reading comprehension and knowledge.

  1. In patients with massive bleeding, which of the following factors is the best indicator of hospital mortality?
    1. Drop in plasma calcium
    2. Minimum fibrinogen concentration
    3. The degree of acidosis
    4. Thrombocytopenia
  2. As relates to leadership competencies, which of the following management styles is characteristic of the Toyota Lean system?
    1. Authority
    2. Labour accounting as a major expense
    3. Answering questions
    4. Asking questions
  3. Which of the following factors have not been associated with implantable pacemaker malfunction?
    1. Metal detectors
    2. Mobile phones
    3. Non-ionizing radiation
    4. Transformers
  4. The CUSUM graphic model (Cumulative Sum) has proven to be a great tool for assessing psychomotor education in health. Regarding this model, it is false that:
    1. The procedures most frequently assessed are orotracheal intubation, vascular catheterization and regional anaesthesia
    2. It assesses only psychomotor learning
    3. It considers failure possibility from the point of view of type 1 and type 2 errors
    4. The number of attempts at orotracheal intubation after which 75% of the people assessed achieve a 95% success rate is close to 130
  5. Neira A, Aguirre FC, Gómez MG et al., in their research on the effects of sevoflurane on neuroapoptosis and cognitive function in animals subjected to multiple exposures found that:
    1. Repeated exposure to sevoflurane at sub-MAC doses produces significant behavioural disorders associated with anxiety in adult rats
    2. In the cerebral cortex of adult rats exposed previously during the neonatal period no extensive foci of neuronal death were found
    3. Spatial memory was not affected
    4. Caspase 3 is a marker of neuroapoptosis.
  6. In multiple-trauma patients, which of the following is not considered an independent risk factor for the development of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)?
    1. Femoral fracture
    2. APACHE II score
    3. Blood transfusion
    4. Gender
  7. According to the work by Pantoja H et al., which of the following classifications has the highest positive predictive value for perioperative cardiovascular events?
    1. Goldman
    2. Detsky
    3. Lee
    4. ASA
  8. In relation to the adult anatomy of the upper airway, it is true that:
    1. The larynx begins at the level of C6 in most patients
    2. The right lung upper lobe has four segments
    3. The larynx is divided into two structures: nasopharinx and oropharynx
    4. The length of the upper airway varies significantly according to age
  9. Regarding the use of fresh frozen plasma during surgery in patients with craniosynostosis, it is true that:
    1. It reduces blood loss volume
    2. It reduces the number of transfusions
    3. It shortens length of stay
    4. It does not affect these variables significantly
  10. Regarding botulinum toxin, it is false that:
    1. It increases ACH release in the nerve endings
    2. The main effector is the motor plate
    3. Its therapeutic effect lasts 3-months
    4. It only affects motor neurons


1. Raffan F. Preguntas y Respuestas. Rev. Colomb. Anestesiol. 2014;42: July-September (3).


  1. a.
  2. d.
  3. c.
  4. b.
  5. d.
  6. d.
  7. c.
  8. a.
  9. d.
  10. d.

1. Raffan F. Preguntas y Respuestas. Rev Colomb Anestesiol. 2014;42:Julio-Septiembre (3).         [ Links ]