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Colombian Journal of Anestesiology

versão impressa ISSN 0120-3347versão On-line ISSN 2256-2087

Rev. colomb. anestesiol. vol.51 no.3 Bogotá jul./set. 2023  Epub 01-Set-2023 


XXXV Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation: a re-encounter to connect with sustainability and excellence

Luz María Gómez-Buitragoa

a Scientific directorship, Colombian Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (S.C.A.R.E.). Bogotá, Colombia.

In 2020 we envisaged our dream for the XXXIV version of the Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation to be held in Cartagena in 2021. However, a pandemic arrived without warning and forced humanity to think differently, to live differently and filled every decision with uncertainty. We were able to rise to the challenge and relying on our experience with online education, we deployed our creativity to connect remotely and welcome our colleagues in August 2021 to the Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. Hence we heard the "Voices of the Brave" in Conferences and various activities around the topic: Anesthesia and Perioperative Care: Solutions to the new natural, social and personal challenges. A total of 2,154 people joined from 16 different countries; there were 97 lectures and 15 especial activities involving more personalized interaction. 116 national and 32 international speakers participated, 59 research proposals were submitted and 19 of them received awards. Doctor Sigfrido Muñoz from Cali was recognized with the highest distinction by S.C.A.R.E. as the Gold Ombredanne anesthesiologist. All of this effort was reflected in a high level of satisfaction of the participants (90 %), who acknowledged the significance of this experience. Moreover, most of the participants who completed the survey underscored the importance of meeting in person and expressed their wish to hold the next meeting on site.

We are ready to meet again next June 13 - 15, 2023 in beautiful Cartagena City and to see each other face to face, embrace our friends and fulfill the promise of a commendable event that is the epicenter of anesthesiology in Colombia:

Our congress is at the forefront through an innovative academic, professional and social experience, joined by the best in class, to contribute to the ongoing professional development of anesthesiologists.

How we manage to be at the forefront?

Very early in 2022, together with the Academic Commission of the Board of Directors, we decided to take up this challenge. Seagulls are curious and intelligent birds; they are the best recyclers par excellence and fly over our coastal regions doing their usual team work. Seagulls inspired our designers to represent in one picture the excellence of our expert anesthesiologists, their resilience and strength to respond to the need to promote environmental sustainability and also the beauty of the heroic Cartagena City that welcomes us in July 13 - 15 this year (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Graphical symbols and image of the XXXV Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. 

We started to work on all the aspects involved in careful planning: managerial, academic, logistics, commercial, social, community, research, etc., and together with the Bolivar Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, we began the implementation of almost 500 activities included in the agenda. A strict oversight by a multidisciplinary team contributed to steadily moving forward.

Which are the expectations from this academic experience?

Approximately 200 lectures were submitted to design the academic program. An invitation was extended to all member anesthesiologists which resulted in almost 60% of the final academic agenda. The purpose of this invitation is to encourage the participation of experts form different regions around the country for a more extensive involvement. The Advisory Committee of the Congress includes three expert anesthesiologists, in addition to the Scientific Directorship and the Academic Commission of the Board of Directors; they received the various proposals submitted by the members and by the scientific committees and identified the additional guests to complete a program addressing the topic of sustainability and the key areas in anesthesiology. The inaugural session comprises four conferences that will be delivered during the plenary session as an introduction to the event. Doctor Emery Neil Brown shall answer the question: Is it necessary to re-examine anesthesia? Pedro Covo a historian from Cartagena will share A few notes on the History of Cartagena; Doctor Néstor Gómez will discuss the Impact of the Healthcare Reform for the profession; and doctor Juan Felipe Valencia will talk about the Hospital of the Future.

Additionally, on the 14 and 15 there will be a simultaneous program of conferences addressed to the anesthesiologists interested in cardiovascular anesthesia; this program was carefully designed with the coordinator of the committee specialized in this area. The list of speakers and professors of the national and international workshops exhibits a high professional profile. Further information is available at: and through the app available in the various platforms such as Colanestesia 23.

If for any reason beyond your control you are unable to attend the meeting, you may join on line any of the conference halls and feel that you are part of this academic experience.

Moreover, 71 research proposals were submitted to participate in seven contests. These will be selected following a presentation before peer reviewers during the Congress. The results will be shared during the closing ceremony on Saturday 15 at 2 p. m.

Which are the expectations in terms of the professional experience?

The general program shall include 16 activities relevant to the profession: a discussion about the healthcare reform; the role of professional associations in ensuring the wellbeing of its members; update on the minimum safety standards in anesthesia; clear indications in terms of negotiation strategies to be used by work teams; a conversation among peers about the history of anesthesia, among other activities.

This meeting also provides the opportunity to pay tribute to the anesthesiologist recognized during the past national assembly with the Gold Ombredanne, Dr. Ricardo Navarro, who will be presented with the statuette on July 13 during the inaugural session.

Which are the expectations in terms of the social experience?

One of the most relevant characteristics of our Congress is organize activities that contribute to improve the health conditions of the local community. On this occasion, waiters, professors and clerks living in Cartagena shall be trained to deliver care to patients with foreign body airway obstruction at a workshop called "Salvado a la Carta". Additionally, a workshop called "The world of anesthesia" will be organized at two healthcare institutions in the city for children that will undergo surgery. 3D-virtual tools will be used with the help of an anesthesiologist member of the Pediatric Anesthesia Committee to discuss the key aspects of the children's perioperative process to give them peace of mind during the procedure. The "Cuidarte" strategy will be used to educate patients that will undergo surgery so that they learn to promote their own safety. Additionally, the Clínica del Caribe will benefit for one and a half months from the strategy "Promoting a Patient Safety Culture" addressed to the clinical staff in the operating rooms, ICUs and hospitalization.

On July 10 at the Apolo park in El Cabrero neighborhood in Cartagena there will be a ceremony to express our gratitude for welcoming us for our meeting. Baxter Laboratories and the Bolivar Society of Anesthesiology will plant some trees which in addition to other community efforts shall beautify this historic landmark of the city.

The inaugural session is also the occasion to celebrate with our colleagues one of our greatest achievements: the 50th anniversary of our excellent publication: the Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology (CJA); we will celebrate together with our publishers who have been the main actors of this endeavor and we shall express our gratitude to our peer reviewers, the authors, and particularly our readers for keeping us alive.

There are many other things to share, but we don't want to spoil the big surprise! S.C.A.R.E. will be showcasing its strategic projects and wonderful products; we shall enjoy the company of the exhibitors who are the most relevant actors of the pharmaceutical industry and health technologies relevant to the practice of anesthesia. Some of them will be sharing their academic experiences with the participation of their expert professionals.

Finally, we would like to express our appreciation to all of you who believe in S.C.A.R.E and in this wonderful meeting. We hope to fulfill our value proposition and exceed your expectations. Join us in building a pathway towards sustainable and comprehensive care. We are already planning our next appointment in 2025 in Medellín.

How to cite this article: Gómez-Buitrago LM. XXXV Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation: a re-encounter to connect with sustainability and excellence. Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology. 2023;51:e1082.

Received: June 30, 2023; Accepted: July 05, 2023; other: July 05, 2023

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