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vol.22 número39Criação de valor na cadeia de abastecimento do setor de saúde na ColômbiaUm modelo para a gestão de uma escola universitária orientada à formação baseada em competências índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cuadernos de Administración

versão impressa ISSN 0120-3592


KALENATIC, Dusko; GONZALEZ, Leonardo J; LOPEZ, César A  e  ARIAS, Laura H. The technology management system as part of the logistic network in the age of knowledge. Cuad. Adm. [online]. 2009, vol.22, n.39, pp.257-286. ISSN 0120-3592.

The present article envisions the technology management system as a constituent part of the logistic system, taking the existing relation between their activities as a starting point. In this aim, the first issue is a conceptual analysis of the technology management system, in terms of its main activities and trends. Next, the logistic system is characterized with regard to its functioning along the logistic cycle, which is added with two more stages. In a further step, the technology management system is defined as one that supports the logistic system. Finally, a technological risk assessment of the activities of the technology management system along the enhanced logistic cycle is carried out. The incorporation of the technology management system as a support of the logistic system, as well as the extension of the logistic cycle, are presented as an integrated concept proposal that fosters future research.

Palavras-chave : Technological management; support system; logistic system; logistic cycle; technological risk.

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