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vol.65 número179Enculturação da teologia em Gregório de Nisa: antecedentesAs origens da reflexão teológica de Zubiri índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Theologica Xaveriana

versão impressa ISSN 0120-3649


ALBY, Juan Carlos. Moving from Asclepius to Christ in the Early Christian Literature. Theol. Xave. [online]. 2015, vol.65, n.179, pp.185-208. ISSN 0120-3649.

It describes the transition from the devotion to Asclepius towards the Christian cult, represented by the replacement of the sanctuaries and by the medical techniques reoriented from the Greek god of Medicine towards Christ. In that sense, it emphasizes on the validity of the dreams of incubation among the first Christians and on literature close to ancient Israel. It also analyzes the reaction of the Fathers of the Church to the writings that denounce the infiltration of Hellenic paganism into the Christian faith.

Palavras-chave : Asclepius; Christ; encubation dreams; patristic literature; Impersonation.

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