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versão impressa ISSN 0121-0793


CASAS, Claudia Patricia et al. Experiences of women in the care of their children diagnosed with severe and/or moderate symptomatic haemophilia. Iatreia [online]. 2018, vol.31, n.2, pp.145-154. ISSN 0121-0793.


To describe the experiences of women in the care of their children diagnosed with severe and/ or moderate symptomatic haemophilia who have received care at the Hematology Service of the Hospital de San José (HSJ), Bogotá, Colombia.


Qualitative phenomenological-hermeneutic study. The technique of data collection was the in-depth interview. The sample was determined by saturation of the data, non-probabilistic sampling was used. The information was analyzed from the proposal of Strauss and Corbin, who considered it open, axial and selective.


A total of nine female caregivers of children with hemophilia participated. The information was reduced and analyzed for the category of: experience of care with hemophilia: ignorance, changes and difficulties, and Hemophilia trajectory in the life of women: implications derived from care.


There is an ignorance of the health sector and society by the human being and the difficulty of diagnosis, it is evident that the increase of gender inequality and negatively affects the development of women physically and socially.

Palavras-chave : Caregivers; Haemophilia; Life Change Events; Phenomenology; Qualitative Research.

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