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Pedagogía y Saberes

versão impressa ISSN 0121-2494


OROZCO-GOMEZ, William. Notes for the Reconceptualization of Teacher Identity from Deconstructive Perspectives. Towards the Notion of Identification. Pedagogía y Saberes [online]. 2023, n.58, pp.173-186.  Epub 01-Jan-2023. ISSN 0121-2494.

This article presents some reflections on teacher identity as a category, proposing its resignification and reconceptualization according to the deconstructive perspectives developed by authors such as Judith Butler and Stuart Hall. On the methodological level, analytical operations are used in the Derridian style, unraveling the other that goes unnoticed in the identity phenomenon. In principle, the state of the discussion is introduced by the reconstruction of historical and epistemic elements of the concept, recognizing analytical approaches and emphasizing essentialist and constructivist perspectives. Then, deconstructive considerations are made about teacher identity, from its contingency, dislocation, political nature, and exclusion dynamics that end up prefiguring a constitutive exterior. It proposes to privilege the concept of teacher identifications due to the symbolic resources with which teachers operate.

Palavras-chave : teacher identity; professional identity; teacher professionalism; identification; deconstruction.

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